Pros and Cons of WordPress? Why should we use WordPress to design a website?


WordPress is one of the most popular web design platforms nowadays. I guess that anyone has heard the name WordPress before. But do you spend your time researching its advantages and disadvantages of it and how to use it? This article will learn the advantages and disadvantages of WordPress and why you should use WordPress to design a website.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a blog publishing system written by programming language PHP and using the database MySQL. Simply, WordPress helps users create their blog or website.

With WordPress, you can create an e-commerce website, portal, portfolio online, discussion and other great websites.

The history of WordPress

The following information from, WordPress is an official succession from a tool to write blog growth by France coder Michel Valdrighi has name is b2/cafelog. It was established for the first time in 2001.

On 27th May 2003, WordPress was officially established as the first version by Matt Mullenweg và Mike Little.

Now, it has more than 75 million websites that use the WordPress platform, including famous websites in the world like Coca Cola, CNN, BBC America, Sony Music, MTV News,...

Pros and Cons of WordPress


  • Easy to use: Operation to use WordPress is easy, easy to understand and operate so users don’t need to know advanced programming knowledge.
  • Easy to manage: Administration the system is easy, all the tables like posts, interface, setting,.. are arranged in an easy way to understand, scientific and user-friendly manner.
  • SEO Optimize: It has the default tool that helps SEO websites easier and faster.
  • Support for many languages: WordPress support 52 languages in there has Vietnamese.
  • Diversity website design: Many interface packages are available, and a massive Themes system, can make many types of websites.
  • Cost Savings: There are so many free and available themes to use, you can design your website without any cost.
  • Large User Community: WordPress tips and tricks can be learned from others on the Internet.


  • Template and plugin setting: Installation is not simple, if the setting is not right it can make many conflicts happen when using.
  • Suitable for small businesses: It has low efficiency in handling databases with a big capacity so it is not suitable for businesses with large server capacity.

Why shoud you use WordPress

One of the big and famous CMS platform

WordPress is on the top of the list of three most commonly used website building packages in the world, the next is Joomla and Drupal.

More than 29% of websites in the world are using WordPress, with the quantity increasing every day.

WordPress is not only a blog platform but also a content management system effectively.

Long time history

WordPress was established in 2003 and began as a tool for a blogger.

Over time WordPress has rapidly grown, attracting businesses to inexperienced developers to the platform.

Today, many new CMS systems are springing up, but the position of WordPress is not shaken. Nearly 500 new websites have been created by WordPress every day.

Open-source CMS

Open source provides a customized function, self-changing themes, self-installing plugins, and self-managing, you can customize it to suit your mind without needing to use any service anywhere.

What you need to do is register a domain and hosting to run WordPress.

Search engine friendly

WordPress is designed to be SEO-friendly because WordPress consists of many tools and plugins to optimize content for SEO.

When using WordPress to design a website, your website is attractive with search tools.

Easy to custom, fix

When using WordPress, your interface problems become so easy and quick. With a diverse WordPress theme, it is easy to make the design so attractive and simple.

If you have a basic technique with a theme that is good design, you can fix it by yourself. Otherwise, you can find them on the Internet or ask an expert.

A huge community, ready to support

WordPress is a place to save for a huge community that is censored by employees and the people who believe in WordPress.

If you have a problem, you can enter the internet and find the WordPress community, they will help you to find the answer, and solve your problem.

Various plugins and themes

An extension plugin is an additional installation component in WordPress to add necessary functions. It has many free and paid plugins.

Thanks to its large users, themes, and plugin libraries are so abundant. You can choose the plugin and themes that suit your purpose when creating a website.

Easy to use

With any hosting, WordPress can be easy to construct because it supplies about 60% of the website.

And you have liberty when deciding where you host your WordPress website.

Good Security

Because WordPress is the largest website building and blog platform in the world, it is so important to protect content from spam attacks.

Make sure to invest in a secure theme and use backup services like VaultPress or any secure backup plugin.

Satisfying user experience

When you build a website successfully, the next step is you need marketing and SEO to appear.

By creating CMS directly from the beginning so web design and SEO by WordPress become so easy and take little time.

Above we research pros and cons of WordPress and why we need to use WordPress to design websites. Hopefully, this information is helpful to everyone when choosing a solution which best suits your activity orientation. If you need support or design, please contact us now.

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